Thursday 29 August 2013

Sally Hansen 'Nailgrowth Miracle Serum' Review

Sally Hansen- Nailgrowth Miracle Serum Packaging
I've been using this product for the last two weeks now. I've actually noticed a massive difference. I decided that I'd properly start to stop biting my nails. I saw how popular this product was and thought it would really help to start off my nail growth. It comes with a puppet making it easy to apply the serum to the nails. I rubbed a drop of the serum into each one of my nails once a day and I have seen a massive improvement. 

It also comes with a puppet-Making it easier to apply the serum

Sally Hansen-Nailgrowth Miracle Serum

I don't have a 'before' picture of my nails :( but they were very short and very brittle. This serum has restored them completely. My nails used to grow to a certain point then break off but they are now so much stronger and feel a lot more smoother. It has also changed the appearance of my nails they now look so much healthier, they have that pinkish-red glow and the ends of my nails are quite white. So the serum really works wonders for nails. It has made them longer, stronger and healthier.

Left- My nail Progress
Right- The serum
Apologies that you can't really see my nails in the picture but they have grown a fair amount. As I continue to use the serum I will add updated pictures of my progress.The serum is quite thick but the nails very quickly absorb it. It doesn't smell great but the smell fades quickly after applying. As the serum is thick and gloopy it's very hard to get out of the bottle. The puppet doesn't pick up much product after a while. I have been using this everyday for two weeks and I think the product would have run out in another week. There isn't much product originally really but it's just gets harder and harder to get out of the bottle with each use.

                                                             Thank you for reading


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